Classical Greek
Classical Greek is the language of democracy and the language in which the first epic was written.
The study of Classical Greek offers students the chance to explore this world in the language in which it was written so does not lose any of the nuances. It has all the challenges of any language in terms of the grammar and vocabulary requirements but has the additional factor of learning a new alphabet. This subject speaks volumes to universities regarding students analytical, argumentative and creative abilities as well as the exclusivity of the subject which will help students to stand out from the crowd.
Year 10 and 11, GCSE | option subject
GCSE Greek introduces students to the language of the great philosophers using the OCR credited Greek to GCSE course. Pupils build on their skills and knowledge to be able to read, comprehend and translate sophisticated Classical Greek texts. Greek history and civilisation form a fascinating background, revealing many of the foundations of Western culture. Later in the course, pupils will read well-known Greek writers in the original language for the first time, accessing ancient minds and important ideas. This qualification will see pupils achieve a high level of competence in the Greek language, while developing a sensitive and analytical approach to language generally, with specific reference to English.
– There is no requirement to study Classical Greek at GCSE but a strong proficiency in Latin is helpful, although not essential. Additionally, there will be an opportunity to experience some Greek within the Year 9 Latin course.
– OCR GCSE J292 Classical Greek
Sixth Form, A-Level | option subject
The study of Classical Greek at A-Level affords successful classicists the opportunity to go further and deeper with the language, its literature and cultural world. Students will explore timeless masterpieces in the written word and discover greater nuance in grammar and expression. Even more than Latin, Greek – not widely offered even in independent schools – sets candidates apart from the regular crowd. With regard to literature in particular, emphasis is placed on the appreciation of Greek texts within their literary, social and historical context. Candidates will develop a thorough understanding of literary technique and a variety of written genres, while enhancing their ability to translate and comprehend Greek of a truly sophisticated and challenging nature.
– Grade 7 at (I)GCSE Classical Greek.
– OCR A Level H444 Classical Greek
John Lyon Success
– Asher Weisz (OL2019) left John Lyon to read Classics at Balliol College, University of Oxford.
Outside the Classroom
John Lyon’s extensive list of extra-curricular activities includes many options for pupils who enjoy foreign language and history, including Book and Film Club, History Excellence Society and Philosophy Club.
Beyond School
Classicists are renowned for their intellectual curiosity and rigour; Greek is therefore prized as an A-Level qualification by a wide range of employers in such diverse areas as law, medicine, finance, accountancy and journalism. More specifically, a Greek A-Level affords excellent preparation toward the study of Classics at university level, with obvious applications for research, teaching, archaeology and museum work. Repeated surveys indicate that classicists are looked upon with considerable favour by employers; it is recognised that the study of Classics implies the capacity for hard and careful work, a heightened sensitivity to the use of language and the ability both to comprehend and manipulate complex ideas.