Careers Department
The mission of the careers department is to ensure every Lyonian flourishes in whatever path they take beyond school. Our careers programme is designed to equip students with an extensive toolkit of skills, knowledge and experience so that by the time they leave school they are ‘career ready’ and prepared to succeed in their chosen fields.
Each year group has a tailored programme which empowers each student to take ownership of their own career paths. Throughout the year all pupils and parents are invited to attend a series of inspiring Career Evening Industry specific talks. The careers team works closely with our Alumni, Lyonian Association (LA) to provide the delivery of careers advice, engaging former pupils who have experience of the transition from School to higher education and/or the world of work.
The following gives an overview of our approach to Careers Education Information and Guidance from Year 7 through to the Upper Sixth. Each align to our School Values.
Pupils begin the Dillon Diploma where they learn key employability skills over 3 years. The Autumn Term focus is Communication and Critical Thinking. The Summer Term focus is Planning and Problem-Solving. Pupils are introduced to careers education on UniFrog and inspired to investigate areas of interest.
Pupils continue to develop their employability skills through the Dillon Diploma. The Autumn Term focus is on Team Work and Lateral Thinking and the Summer Term focus is on Metacognition and Investigation. Pupils build awareness of Labour Market Information and how subjects link to careers.
Pupils begin the final year of their Dillon Diploma. The Autumn Term focus is on Learning Skills, Organisation and Time Management. The Summer Term focus is Business Enterprise and Self Evaluation. Pupils are encouraged to explore the Subject and Careers Libraries on UniFrog for informed GCSE choices prior to parents evenings to discuss GCSE choices.
Pupils begin the first year of their Williams Journal recording examples of employability activities and skills acquired. Pupils take the Morrisby Online, an on-line psychometric test sat at School in the Spring Term to help pupils identify their specific abilities, aptitudes and personal qualities and suggest suitable subjects and career paths.
Pupils begin the second year of their Williams Journal reflecting on where they need to further develop their skills for the world of work. Pupils build a C.V., research open days and record their plans in UniFrog. Pupils are given 1-2-1 personal guidance interviews with the careers adviser. Pupils attend the University Fair in February. Pupils encouraged to undertake work experience post GCSEs.
Students enrol on the Goldhawk Diploma. Students are supported in researching their post-18 options with attendance at a University and Careers Fair and in their weekly Goldhawk Lectures. Students are guided in considering Degree Apprenticeships. Throughout the year students volunteer in the local community developing highly prized soft skills and are able to attend many careers talks covering sectors across the employment landscape to inform their decision making. Students also have access to the extensive Old Lyonian network. During the Summer Term students participate in an Enrichment Week covering university application and life, careers and apprenticeship options, along with many other activities. Aspiring medics also receive weekly support from the Biomedical Club and Coordinator throughout Sixth Form.
Students complete the Goldhawk Diploma helping them to refine their future plans. Students finalise their university and apprenticeship choices drawing on the advice and expertise of the Careers Department and Old Lyonian network and the personal statement and C.V. UniFrog tool. Interview preparation for degree apprenticeship is offered for interested students.
Pupils in Year 11 and above are encouraged to find meaningful work experience during holidays. Students have assemblies and workshops on work experience and employability skills. Students are regularly signposted to career opportunities. Individual, tailored advice is also provided by our Careers Advisor.
Students are fully supported in making informed choices for their post-18 options. A Higher Education Fair is organised annually where students can meet university, apprenticeship and work experience representatives.
Watch out for our upcoming events starting in the new academic year.
Please look out for the ‘Parent Letter’ which is sent ahead of each planned Careers events and sign up for attendance. Parents are encouraged, where possible, to attend Careers events and to take an active role in their children’s career journey.
Pupils from all year groups have individual access to a wide variety of careers resources on Unifrog .
If you are a parent/guardian, employer, education or training provider who would like to help or assist with any Careers-related activities at the school please contact the Careers Team Michael Fletcher, Careers Leader and Charn Bamrah, Careers Adviser on [email protected].