
Time and time again we see that students who are busy and engaged outside the classroom as well as inside achieve all the things they hope and work hard for - this is the real success of a John Lyon Education.

Mrs Rose Hardy, Head

Registration is the first step for parents who wish their sons or daughters to be considered for a place at John Lyon.

The usual entry points are at 3+, 4+ and 7+ at the Prep and 11+, 13+ and 16+ (Sixth Form). Pupils may be considered for other years if places are available. Please see our Key Dates for a complete list of dates and deadlines.


To apply for admission please click on the link below. The registration fee is £180 and is payment towards the administration of your child’s application to the school and his/her entrance examinations. This fee is non-refundable.


Overseas applications

If you are applying from overseas and will not be able to travel to the John Lyon School to sit the entrance examinations, please contact the Admissions office before registering your child.

Year 8 and Year 10 applications

Please contact the Admissions office before registering your child for Year 8 or Year 10 entry.