Our four Prep years see an increasing focus on classroom study, building on the teaching of Pre-Prep and making sure each child is confident and prepared for the step into secondary education.
These senior years allow children to focus even more on areas of interest to them, both inside and outside the classroom, while always being encouraged to explore new ideas and activities. Pupils also begin to take on positions of responsibility within the School, acting as good examples to the younger children.
Pupils solve problems and think independently with appropriate support and guidance from teachers. As pupils move through the school, they take increasing responsibility for their own learning.
Independent Schools InspectorateIn the classroom
From the age of seven, pupils in Year 3 begin to attend lessons with subject specialists in English and Mathematics, as well as in other subjects including Science, Computing, Art and French, together with a full Games programme. which includes some competition against other schools. Great care is taken by form teachers and subject staff to develop in each child a good sense of purpose and drive, supported by sound and effective organisational skills.
Each child’s effort and attainment is regularly assessed and homework becomes a feature of school life. Children are also expected to have a reading book with them at all times. By the age of 11, Prep School children are ready to make the leap into secondary education with great confidence.
Before and after School
For Prep pupils, gates open at 8.00am and our playground supervisor stays with the pupils until 8.20am when school starts.
Our Breakfast Club is open from 7.30am in the School dining room and is supervised by staff. It provides a choice of simple, healthy breakfasts for £5.50 per day. Parents should contact the school office for details and to book their child in.
A comprehensive range of activities are run from 4.00 – 6.00pm. Activities change regularly and typically include fun activities such as football, ballet, choir, chess, drama, tennis, art or Gujarati.
A late class is also available for Prep pupils to stay and do homework until they are collected at 6.00pm.

Working with parents and guardians
Close contact is maintained with parents throughout the School year and there are regular parent / teacher consultations at which we invite you in to review and discuss your child’s development. A detailed report is sent to you each year.
Experience has shown us that keeping in close contact is valued by parents, to help know more about their child’s time at School and to aid in continuing learning at home.
Leaving our Prep School
We are an all-through co-educational school from 2 to 18. It is expected that the majority of children who enter our Prep School will automatically progress through each stage of the Prep School and transition into our Senior School. For this to be the case, children need to demonstrate that they have sufficient ability to cope with the demands of the curriculum at each next stage, and have the skills and maturity to do so successfully. In the transition from Prep to Senior, all children will sit an academic assessment, the results of which will assist in the smooth transfer from Year 6 into Year 7. Guidance will be provided to parents about the transition process from our Prep to our Senior School.
Our Prep School maintains excellent relationships with other local senior schools in both independent and maintained sectors, and each child will receive the full support of the School as they leave us aged 11, wherever they choose to begin the next stage of their education.