
12 May 2023

Letter from the Headmaster

Dear Parents/Guardians,

After almost a decade as Headmaster of Quainton Hall School, John Lyon’s Prep School, and following a career in education spanning the last 33 years, I write to share my decision to retire as Headmaster in December, at the end of the Autumn Term 2023, to relocate with my family to Norfolk.

I have been privileged to have led the major and forward-thinking change that took place in September 2021, when Quainton Hall was taken into the fold of the John Lyon School. Our two Schools have become one, with a happy and mutually beneficial relationship: sharing facilities, and encouraging liaison between staff and pupils.

Change is positive and necessary for any organisation to continue to thrive and, whilst I am naturally very sad to be leaving the Quainton Hall community after so many happy years as Headmaster, I believe that, as I approach a significant milestone year, now is the right time to pass on the baton, hang up my mortar board and enjoy retirement with my family.

In September, John Lyon will welcome to Miss Haynes’ successor, Mrs Rose Hardy, current Head at Haberdashers, with whom I will be working closely in my final term as Headmaster of the Prep School. We have much to look forward to and are making exciting plans to further invest in the Prep School site to continue to enhance the learning experience of all our pupils.

Rest assured, the Governing Body is in the process of recruiting my successor, to ensure the right person is chosen to continue driving Quainton Hall in the strategic direction they have set out. The Governors and I are keen for a thorough handover and a smooth transfer of leadership. The new Head of Prep will be taking the helm of our wonderful School at an exciting time for Quainton Hall.

Following this announcement of my retirement, I look forward to business as usual as we work to continue to provide for our Quainton Hall pupils, the excellent educational environment of which I am so proud. The School will again be in touch when our new Head of Prep has been appointed. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Admissions team by emailing [email protected].

Yours sincerely,

Mr Simon Ford