
13 February 2024

Speakers share perspectives on “How” at this year’s Talks-on-the-Hill

Once again, this year’s Talks-on-the-Hill event, held on 8 February, was a great success.

Organised by our Excellence Programme, the event has become a much-anticipated gathering for the John Lyon school community and our neighbours from in and around Harrow-on-the-Hill.

This year was entertaining and educational in equal measure, with a fantastic turnout. The packed audience had the incredible opportunity to hear the perspectives of the students, staff, and four external guest speakers presenting on the theme of ‘How.’ Among the topics covered, ‘How’ prompted engaging analysis on how to influence positive global change, how to master the art of learning to remember, and how 3D printing is changing the world.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our esteemed guest speakers – Hanuman Dass, Founder and Chairman of the Humanitarian Organisation Go Dharmic; Dr Namir Hassan, CEO at Zelluna Immunotherapy; Councillor Kethan Sheth, Local Labour Politician and Lawyer; and George Lawley, Former Political Researcher – for contributing to the success of this event.

Talks-on-the-Hill really brings our community together and inspires us to keep that spirit of learning and curiosity alive. A sincere thank you to all who attended.