Music Technology
Music Technology offers the chance to explore alternative job roles within the music industry, from sound or recording engineer to music arranger or composer.
Critical listening skills are developed alongside recording, sequencing and composition tasks.
Sixth Form, A-Level | option subject
Music Technology A-Level has three areas of study that provide a contextual focus for students’ practical and theoretical work: recording and production techniques for both corrective and creative purposes; principles of sound and audio technology; and the development of recording and production technology.
The A-Level consists of two externally-examined papers and two non-examined assessment components, sat in the second year.
In these assessments, students learn and apply production tools and techniques to capture, edit, process and mix an audio recording; create, edit, manipulate and structure sounds to produce a technology-based composition; study the styles most common in popular music and use aural discrimination skills to demonstrate their understanding; and demonstrate knowledge of music technology through a series of written commentaries, manipulations and production tasks.
– It is useful to have taken (I)GCSE Music to progress to A-Level Music Technology.
– Edexcel A-Level 9MT0 Music Technology
John Lyon Success
– 83% of A-Level Music Technology students were awarded an A* grade.
Outside the Classroom
There are many additional opportunities for Music Technology students to get involved in production elements of school plays, concerts and events. John Lyon’s programme of extra-curricular activities includes a number of options directly related to or complementary to Music Technology including Music Technology Club and Music Theory Class.
Beyond School
Music technology, like other forms of technology, advances rapidly. An A-Level in Music Technology provides opportunities to embrace recent developments in the field, equipping students with a skill set that will enable them to progress to higher education, or directly into the workplace. There are many career possibilities for those proficient in Music Technology, from sound engineering and record production, to film and computer-game composition.