
09 October 2024

OLs return for our Career Networking Event

On Monday 7 October, our careers team hosted their ‘Careers Networking Event’, which gave current pupils and parents the opportunity to meet over 30 employers from a range of industries – from pharmaceuticals to hospitality. Among our guests we had 23 OLs join us, offering a deeper understanding of their chosen career paths since leaving school.

There was also a series of seven talks, which offered a deeper understanding of developing career paths. Our keynote speech by Dan Connolly (OL 1999), Founder & MD of Consul Sports Club Ltd, inspired students to follow his lead by nurturing their individual passions and talents as a means of motivating and distinguishing themselves.

Pupils, parents and teachers have already started sending in their positive feedback from the event:
“A top-notch event! I gained invaluable insights into a broad range of careers, not just the traditional ones”
“It was a beneficial learning opportunity for me as a parent as well as for my child”
“It was interesting to hear the route representatives had taken to get to their current roles”