
11 October 2022

Full STEAM Ahead at Thorpe Park

Year 4, 5 and 6 attended a unique STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) event, hosted by ACS International Schools at Thorpe Park last week.

Upon their arrival at the park, the pupils were thrilled to be met at the front gates by the RAF flying in a Chinook Helicopter as well as a jet powered human travel device.  This amazing welcome,  set the tone for the day and  the enthusiasm levels amongst the pupils remained high throughout as they took part in engaging practical activities featuring giant robots, Mercedes F1, orchestral performances, supersonic cars and much more.

The event, which attracted pupils from schools around the country, was designed to showcase the wealth of careers available in a growing STEAM sector and this it certainly did!  Our pupils left feeling truly inspired and excited about the diverse range of career opportunities they could embark on.