School Library

Welcome to Gordon Surtees Library

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Contact: [email protected]

Telephone: 020 8515 9412

Located in the Lyon Building, Gordon Surtees Library provides a calm, welcoming environment for quiet independent study, research and reading for pleasure. It is managed by Chartered Librarian, Mrs Halsey. The role of the Library is to enrich and enhance the school curriculum, serve the needs of the pupils and staff and inspire a love of reading and learning. Our aim is to enable pupils to become confident, independent users of the Library. It is open throughout the day and before and after school, providing pupils with access to a wide selection of books, eBooks, journals, newspapers, careers’ guides and online resources, including JSTOR. Pupils are encouraged to make suggestions for new stock.

All new pupils have Library Inductions in their first few weeks of joining the school and the Librarian delivers sessions on research and referencing, how to avoid plagiarism and how to search the Internet effectively, which enables pupils to develop the study skills needed to become life-long learners. The Librarian works closely with Heads of Department to develop their subject collections and accommodates class visits for research purposes.

The Librarian supports the reading aspect of the Dillon Diploma by offering a varied range of fiction and non-fiction texts suitable for all age groups and provides age-appropriate reading lists, which are updated regularly to reflect new authors and award-winning books. The Carnegie Club is held weekly in the Summer Term, following the publication of the shortlisted titles in March: see for more information. We celebrate a range of book-themed activities throughout the year including Roald Dahl Day, National Poetry Day and World Book Day and host an annual author visit, to which neighbouring and feeder schools are invited. Pupils may help with day-to-day tasks as Library Monitors and are supported by the designated Sixth Form Library Prefect.

The gadget that will have the biggest impact on literacy is already out there. It’s called a book.

Anthony Horowitz
JSTOR Reading Lists VLE Library Catalogue