
28 September 2021

Lower Sixth aim high (and low) on competitive team-building day

In order to build a sense of team spirit, firing paint at one another might not see the obvious choice, but for John Lyon’s new Sixth Form students, a new camaraderie was formed.

Ahead of two years of hard work and dedicated A-Level study, the group of 50 students headed to Watford for a day of team-building in September, the main event of which was a paintballing session.

Matthew Evens and Rohan Card describe the proceedings:

“When the Lower Sixth arrived at the paintballing, there was a strong sense of eagerness lingering within the crowd. Finally, a chance to fire paint at our friends! Naturally ambitious to win the game for our respective teams, we headed towards the fitting area.

Once the first game had begun, many of us jumped straight into the action, sprinting across a warzone of mud, covered in wooden crates. Once the first game had concluded, much of our protective gear happened to be looking like a Jackson Pollock painting. Creative? Yes, but not exactly victorious. We were, in fact, victorious in becoming a tighter community within the Lower Sixth; helping us to prepare for the strenuous couple of years ahead of us.

Our wounded soldiers limped towards the coach, now knowing that with a fair game of paintball, all was resolved.”